Cosmetic dentistry – what is it?
Cosmetic dentistry is a phrase coined to encompass dental procedures available to enhance the appearance of a patient’s smile.
If your teeth are stained, discolored, worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, misshapen, or have gaps between them, a “smile makeover” will improve the appearance of your smile through one or more restorative dental procedures.
These procedures include dental veneers, dental bonding (repair to chipped, cracked or misshapen teeth, porcelain crowns, inlays/onlays (indirect fillings), dental implants and even teeth whitening.
Any of these methods may have already been considered to strengthen weakened teeth, restore bite for function and replace missing structure. Why not make it work but also make it look better than before?
Our dental professionals at DLE Burnaby have had extensive experience in all the procedures mentioned. We have always worked tirelessly to make sure we deliver the best results and are willing to take the time and attention to make it right for you.
Dr. Yung is also experienced in providing Invisalign and traditional braces which may be feasible options in your custom “smile makeover”.
For more information on cosmetic dentistry Burnaby, please call to book a consultation today.

The patient fell, bit through her lip and broke her upper and lower front teeth.

A new smile after gum surgery, porcelain crowns and veneers, upper 4 anterior teeth.