Gum surgery in Burnaby
Gum surgery – also referred to as a gum graft – may be necessary to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession or simply to improve the appearance of your smile.
If your gums are receding, gum surgery may be required before you do teeth-moving procedures like traditional braces or Invisalign.
If a dentist mentions you need gum surgery, do not worry. It is a relatively straightforward procedure with some healing time. However, the benefits of having gum surgery are worth it if you are having problems.
Some dental plans may not cover gum surgery, so it is important to work with an experienced dentist that can give you the best value for your dollar.
Our dental professionals at DLE Dental Laser Esthetics in Burnaby, BC are trained and very experienced with gum surgery.
Gum Recession – Why People Need Gum Surgery
Gum recession is where the tissue around teeth pulls away from a tooth, exposing more of the tooth and, sometimes, in untreated cases, the root. Gum recession is common and, if left untreated, could lead to tooth loss and bone damage.
Many people don’t know their gums have receded, because it happens gradually. Over time, an exposed tooth root can cause sensitivity to hot and cold.
If you get check ups every six months, you can be confident your dentist is watching for any signs of gum recession.
Gum recession can also be a sign of gum disease. Gum disease presents as
- Red/swollen gums
- Bleeding gums
- Pain when chewing
- Loose teeth.
You should contact our office in Burnaby if you are worried about gum recession or any other dental issues.
What Happens During Gum Surgery
During your office visit, our dentists will help you decide on the best approach.
Option 1: Flap surgery
This type of procedure is needed when areas in your mouth have suffered steep bone loss. All the plaque, tartar, calculus full of bacteria are trapped deep in your gum pockets. Small relief of the often fibrous, infected and swollen tissue is made to remove trapped debris from your teeth and gums. Then, the gums are positioned back, a few thin resorbable sutures are placed to secure the tissue to sit firmly around your teeth while you heal. As a result, your deep gum pockets will improve, gums swelling decrease, and the overall change will make the whole area easier to clean and maintain.
Option 2: Soft tissue graft
Gum recessions happen over time to everyone without exception. In the presence of unhealthy gums this happens faster but in healthy mouths this can happen due to thin gum type that your are born with. Soft tissue grafts can help restore some of the tissue that’s been lost by converting the thin gum type to a thicker gum type. So far, the best outcome are grafts transferred from your own mouth. After numbing, a small tissue “trap door” is gently reflected from the roof of your mouth. A narrow thin piece of the graft is transferred. The “trap door” is closed, and a stent (plastic protective cover) is inserted over the site during healing. This will allow you to move your tongue, eat, swallow, talk without disturbing the roof of your mouth. The site of gum recession is also numbed to receive the graft. Stitches may or may be needed.
After Gum Surgery – Recovery
During recovery even if you feel great right away, rest is highly recommended for at least a couple of days. Physical rest and sleep has positive effect on healing cells.
You may experience minor bleeding from the site and discomfort, but it should not last more than a few days.
Your dentist may send you home with some antibiotics in the event of infection or ask you to use a specific mouthwash to keep the area clean.
We recommend eating soft foods and avoiding brushing and flossing at the site for a couple of weeks.
If you need Gum Surgery in Burnaby
To find out if you have receding gums or to learn more about getting gum surgery in Burnaby, call our office to book.

Gum surgery, recession and root exposure.

Recession and root exposure, 4 months after.