Root Canal Dentist Burnaby

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a standard dental procedure that removes infected or abscessed tissue from inside the affected tooth. Surfaces inside the tooth are cleaned and sterilized then sealed with an inert material which does not enable bacteria to grow. A root canal treated tooth will often require a crown as a final restoration.

Symptoms of when root canal is needed

A chipped or cracked tooth. If you cracked your tooth on food or while playing sports the root will likely be exposed and bacteria will be able to make its way into the pulp.
Severe pain that doesn’t go away. Unlike minor tooth pain the pain from potentially needing a root canal will be deep in your tooth and and could cause discomfort into the jaw, face and other teeth.
Swollen gums. When a tooth or gum becomes infected, pus can collect there and this leads to sore and swollen gums.
Deep Decay. When a cavity isn’t addressed in a timely manner it can spread down into the nerve and root of the tooth. If this happens a root canal is the only option for repair, then the patient will be fitted with a crown.

Root canal process

Once your dentist has determined a root canal is the only option, x-rays of the affected tooth will be taken. This will help the dentist understand the extent of damage. Below are the steps in the procedure.

Dental dam placement
Access hole
Pulp removal
Shaping canals
Filling canals
Sealing tooth
Crown restoration

The area being worked on will be numbed to minimize discomfort. Following the procedure, mild sensitivity is normal. If throbbing is experienced, make sure to call the dental office right away.

If you think you need a root canal, please call our Burnaby office at 604-568-6000. We have experienced staff and treatment options that can help ease your nerves not only for root canal procedures but also for a number of other dental services.